Translation: bla bla bla, Vanity fair, bla bla bla, shoes, bla bla bla, bla Robbie Williams, bla bla bla, adorable pink, bla bla, hair, bla bla purses, bla bla, girlfriends, bla bla bla (etcetera etcetera)
If your wife can't shut up, put a rag in it! (but in rhyme, in Dutch)
Perhaps in order to completely understand "De Voze Ridder", you'll need some background info. "De Rode Ridder" was and is a hugely popular comic in Belgium, and focusses on the adventures of Johan (John), The Red Knight (hence the title). He is the classical hero who saves damsels in distress and always triumphs over evil. He was my biggest hero as a child. Later on, it become more of a b-film, tongue in cheeck kinda adventurer. Hence the parody.