Translation: bla bla bla, Vanity fair, bla bla bla, shoes, bla bla bla, bla Robbie Williams, bla bla bla, adorable pink, bla bla, hair, bla bla purses, bla bla, girlfriends, bla bla bla (etcetera etcetera)
If your wife can't shut up, put a rag in it! (but in rhyme, in Dutch)
Perhaps in order to completely understand "De Voze Ridder", you'll need some background info. "De Rode Ridder" was and is a hugely popular comic in Belgium, and focusses on the adventures of Johan (John), The Red Knight (hence the title). He is the classical hero who saves damsels in distress and always triumphs over evil. He was my biggest hero as a child. Later on, it become more of a b-film, tongue in cheeck kinda adventurer. Hence the parody.
Hence the wrecking of a child's fairy tale. You jaded librarians....
If it was a man talking it would be more like this:
Blah, blah, blah, engines, Blah blah blah, breasts, blah, blah, blah, I am so strong/handsome/masculine, blah blah, blah, lawn mowers, blah, blah, blah, beer.
Now that's a conversation :D
I can talk like that all week long! ;-)
lawn mowers? seriously, do we talk of lawn mowers? so cool...
You should see my lawnmower, man. It like... mows the lawn and stuff...
Mine is like, totally rad, ... you know, it has got, like 4 weels, you know, and I souped it up to 20 bhp, and, like, goes like in 2 seconds from naught to sixty. It's a right hot-rod lawnmower man, seriously. You know?
Sure, make jests, but I know the truth. You are all like my husband and have stacks of magazines in the bathroom full of lawn mowers and welding machines. Its all you think about besides Dean Koontz.
Dean Koontz? Nah. Comic books and Humo (classical toilet lecture over here).
Let me guess, Conan the Barbarian? The fantastic four? Groo?
Anything I can get my dirty hands on! On the wishlist "Wet Moon", part 2, by Ross Campbell. Hasn't been out in Europe yet, but the comic book store who supplies me found a way of ordering in The Ustated Nights of Yamerica, so I ought to give that a try.
Enjoyed: "Angela: Dead or AAlive" (http://www.stripspeciaalzaak.be/Silvester.php) and the first five Red Knights (research for De Voze Ridder).
I'm not too fond of superhero-comics, I prefer the more underground ones.
Groo is new to me, reminds me of another comic where I cannot remember the name of, or the author. Classic toiletreading is Peanuts.
You missed the fan boy joke in my comment. Lost in translation.
Not quite sure I follow you. Come again?
Who reads the fantastic four but ...?
Or was that an example of your wry wit?
...I wouldn't know who reads the fantastic four, I don't know anybody who reads the fantastic four. I'm completely lost. Perhaps you should speak slloooowwweeerrr and LOUDER, cus I really really really don't understand what you're talking about.
When I worked in a comic book store in 1990, we called the 40 year old men who came in and bought The Fantastic Four, fan boys.
Nevermind. Its no longer funny.
Aaah, I see. 1990? Damn, I was ten years old in 1990. The ideal age for the fantastic four.
You never got round about telling bout meeting Vaughn Bode. Any chance on a four page story? An in-depth analysis of his words? I'm a fan of his work, but know almost nothing about him. All I know is what I can read in Wikipedia on him.
I don't remember seeing Vaughn alive, but I do remember Mark. Mark babysat me as a young child. He was good at climbing Avocado trees, and had a pair of pet Iguanas he kept in his closet.
I suppose I have some stories about Vaughn, they are all sort of strange.
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