Voila, deel 2 van de weergaloze reeks "Mysteries van het leven". Bij deze worden dan ook alle kotsverhalen afgesloten. For our friends abroad, the translation: "I don't get it! I know everything there's to know about Bauhaus, and I've got every record by The Sisters of Mercy, but I can't get a girlfriend!"
Nasdrovanje Siporstowie: "Yaksjemash! Despankto istàn, kompakze Bahoze, si li tralali El Schwestersi o Dan Remorsji, bodani ni Poepski ni Suksi!"
Ik ben voorgerecht, of bevoorrecht, of hoe noem ik dat. Gisteren zag ik hem in je schetsboek, nu ingekleurd en wel op de site.
Hot diggety damn. Mysteries van het leven blijven geven. Leuke reeks. Volhouden, Engelbert.
Vollen bak Humperdinck!
We zullen doorgaan, als niemand't meer verwacht,...
I know all the lyrics to Depeche Mode and The Cure's music. Why do the girls dog me? Is it the eye liner and black lipstick I wear?
That could be what he said in 1987.
True :D
Lebbercherrie, how about you put that free translation code I have, to some use.
like, maybe, you could put it somewhere...
Just an idea, but you COULD put it on your blog.
Well, it is not because we CAN, that we SHOULD! (just pulling your leg!) I'll have a look into it, ok?
But not today; on the program for today: washing the car and procrastination.
I can see you will be extremely busy, we wouldn't want you to pull a groin muscle loading freeware.
inderdaad de auto afwassen maar toch nog even op internet moeten gaan kijken bij onze jorgen
even een giftige opmerking tussendoor moet kunnen he schatje maar verder zie ik u graag hoor
Lap, die anonymous heeft zich ook weer veraden. Dag Kathleen :D
@ vanishingword: thanks for the understanding. Most work on this blog is done during office hours, while at work. Yep, your taxdollars are very well spent!
@ anonymous: ge zat dan toch ook maar shoon op mijne blog in plaats van voor ons kinderen te zorgen!
@Zimbob: ze kan het niet wegsteken dat ze me gere ziet he? ;-)
Wird das hier ein familientreffen oder was?
beste persoon in het cartoontje. t'es nie bauhaus da telt moar lego,tis vele beter zulle
Tijd voor onzen Otto zijn bijles:
het verschil tussen Bauhaus (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bauhaus) en Lego (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego) is zo groot als het verschil tussen Justin Timberlake en Sid Vicious.
Why are you trying to confuse poor Otto? You know as well as I, that Justin Timberlake and Sid are collaborating on a new Cd titled, "Punk is about love". I was listening to a cut off the CD called, "Just hold me baby", I really thought Sid had improved on his vocals drastically since "I am the anti christ". I felt all warm and fuzzy.
I can't wait for you to hear it.
Time for vanishingword's extra lesson
The difference between Sid Vicious (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sid_Vicious) and Johnny Rotten (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Rotten) is indeed not so big as the difference between Bauhaus and Lego, but as big as the difference between Joe Strummer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Strummer) and Mick Jones (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mick_Jones_%28The_Clash%29); both of the two were in the same band, but one of them is dead.
No comparison possible between the Clash and the Sex Pistols, The Clash was just too good in what they did to be compared to anything else. The Sex Pistols had the drive and one or two great song, and admittedly were at the right place at the right time and produced possibly the most influential punk album ever, but I'll prefer the Clash over them any day, anywhere.
This concludes all lessons for today. I didn't get that teachers degree to teach, you know ;-)
I always thought that the sex pistols were the beginning. Didn't the punk scene really take off after that and spread to NY? I read a long time ago about Billy Idol talking about the starting days and what it was like. He himself was rougher then; not the glossy, cleaned up, new-waver he became.
I agree entirely about The Clash. One of my favorites.
Ok, so I messed up Mr. Rotten with Mr. Over Dose.
Indeed, the Pistols were responsible for spreading the punk-message around the world. Arguably not the first punk-band ever, but they were in that scene in London from the beginning on, Sid and Johnny and the others were then put together in a band by Malcolm McLaren and the rest is history.
"Never Mind The Bollocks is historically more important then "London Calling", but not to me.
To me The Ramones, The Stooges and The Clash are the best, together with The Kids (now that's a band that needs checking out!) (www.thekids.be)
Billy Idol had a rougher period? What did he do, comb his hair in a slightly rebellious way? Jus' kidding.
Back then he was still working on twisting his lip up in his "snarl expression" ...
He took that from the King, no doubt about it.
I think that the anges from above had their hook in him and were trying to pull him in.
I'll get me coat...
angels that is
Who were they trying to pull in, The King or Billy Idol?
Me, me? It's all the angels doings...
And it was Billy - who's pulling my lip? - Idol.
Another case solved by detective Inspector Vince.
Detective inspectors normally have a shorter, fatter and slightly below normal intelligence sidekick. I can see where this is heading.
Welcome to my team, mate.
Ok. Detective inspector, there's need for your skills in the Inn "The Smiling Pig". Apparantly, there's some beer gone missing. I'd say we'd check every bottle!
I can't believe Steven Seagall is being bad mouthed this week. What a fine and stirring character actor...
Ha! Being sarcastic today, are we? Mind you, the latest pregnancy of my wife taught me one thing: Never argue with a pregnant woman, there are hormones we simple men have never heard of before.
Well feel free to argue, I haven't been pregnant for over 5 monthes now. I haven't had the urge to throw plates or shriek at my husband for a long time. :)
Admiral Ackbar: It's a trap!
Oh, then I misunderstood. I thought you had a five-months old baby and one on the way, and in that case, we'd better stay clear.
But now that everything's been cleared up, Steven Seagall keeps popping up on my tv-set twice a week. I believe some station bought his whole back-catalogue, and even two seconds of his "frowning like he really really really needs to fart but keeping it in" mug and I go into convulsions.
(I know it's a trap, but I'm leading her towards Kylie Minogue's acting career (remember Streetfighter))
How about we discuss the Governor of California next week? I would like to share my feelings about some of his earlier movies.
Conan Rules!
As a story, the acting sucks ...
I prefer Red sonja.
As a photoshoot...
I have some of the old comics... Did I mention that I worked in comic book store when I was a young woman?
Now that's right up my street! Comic book stores that is.
Aah, the governor. Many an avening I spent with a mate watching The terminator. If you have the chance you should watch the dubbed-in-French version, the voice actor for Ahnuld is just crazy; he sounds like the squeeky voiced teenager from the Simpsons! "Je reviens!" Hilarious stuff
Ok sorry,maar bei uns in der heimat is 'bauhaus' das gleiche wie gamma oder brico. spielzeug mit der name bauhaus koomt mir daher nicht bekannt vor.
Na, sind die Moffen wieder Da? Du kleine Drekzak!
Explain Drekzak, it doesn't translate in German or Dutch.
I's a very naughty swearing-word, something like "asshole".
Otto is a colleaugue of mine, who worked for years in Germany. I keep teasing him about it.
and so you should...
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