Huh? You completely lost me there. This is actually the living room/kitchen, hence all the kids toys, and we were invited to a theme-party, hence the disguises. But fishnet stocking? Where?
Het is illegaal de inhoud van deze site te gebruiken voor commerciële, politieke en/of andere doeleinden zonder de uitdrukkelijke schriftelijke toestemming van de maker. In dit geval Wim De Troyer, alias lebbercherrie, aka Herr Doctor Fingerprobe.
wow, I never thought of using my kids toys as bedroom props before I read this. Nice way to multi-purpose the fishnet stockings Lebber.
Huh? You completely lost me there. This is actually the living room/kitchen, hence all the kids toys, and we were invited to a theme-party, hence the disguises. But fishnet stocking? Where?
The librarian lost the sarcasm dripping from the fishnet stockings. :)
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