Friday, September 21, 2007

Review Storm: "de navel van de dubbele god" or "the navel of the double god"

Where to begin...

First of all, since my mom bought me "The last fighter" in the early nineties I've been smitten by Don Lawrence's artwork. So Romano Molenaar had some pretty big boots to fill when he took over the series. More so, because I wouldn't stand for hasty sloppy plagiarism. Neither one of the fans, as has been proven by the sales figures of the spin-off "Kronieken van de tussentijd". (actually spin-off is too much credit, let's call it by its name; a turd)

Did Molenaar deliver? Yes. Did he overdo it? Hmmm, slightly. I can't shake off the feeling that there isn't enough space on each page. Lawrence wasn't only a great artist, he knew how to let the artwork breathe. Yes there were a lot of details, but one could take his time to discover them, often missing them for quite some time, overlooking them. Molenaars details scream for attention, battle for it.

In his defense I have to say that "The navel of the double god" is a far better comic then "The Armageddon traveller", but that was a particular weak one. Also like the fact that Nomad for the second time in the series takes a more prominent role then the vain muscled sidekick we have come to love and cherish, "The return of the red prince" being the first one (which is also noticeable for a for a stark naked cast. Especially Ember. For several pages. Not that she's prone to wear much else but a belt and a necklace). And the fact that Molenaar has included some references to other Storm comics for those who can spot them.

Molenaar penciled Storm and Ember perfectly, Boforce has apparently been working out some more, but Nomad.... I don't know. His face seems to give Molenaar some difficulties.

The text balloons aren't always in sync with the lay-out as well.

Perhaps these are some growing pains. Do not forget the big boots.

Overall, a great Storm comic. As good as "Vandaahl the destroyer" or "The slayer of Eriban"? No, but better then most of them. Molenaar passed the test and I'm looking forward to the next one.


Zimbob said...

You are indeed very critical. Glad to read your final conclusion is positive. I know it's a thing from your childhood, but set aside the emotional value and you cannot but admit that the graphics are outstanding. Not the same as ole Don's, but great nevertheless...
I'm also looking forward to reading more.

oh yeah, and before I forget: de kat krabt de krollen van de trap.

Lebbercherrie said...

True, they are outstanding; I wouldn't be able to reach that level ever in my life. But he gets so close to perfection it would be a shame not to point out the two or three details that aren't quite what they should be.

Are you mocking my "rrrr" ;-) ?