Translation: "Honey, tonight, you can choose the movie"
"But sweety, Brokeback Mountain! That's the sixth time already!"
Heb dus eindelijk mijn stripken van de Rode Ridder teruggevonden, en Marleen heeft er mij nog een heel stapeltje beloofd. Moet mij serieus inhouden om niet direct een hele hoop parodieën te maken!...Nog ééntje dan? Ok, ik begin er aan!
Are you telling me you haven't seen this movie?
Eeeuh, I must admit, never saw it. Somehow I don't feel the need for it, I never got over "My own private Idaho" and "Mary Poppins"
The should have had Steven Segall act in it.
I didn't see it either, but it doesn't scare me. The Stepford Wives frightens me.
I was truly mortified by "The cat in the hat, but "Rocky Horror Picture Show" was like finally coming home. The Stepford wives are to be soon on tv over here, if I'm not mistaken. Never seen it either.
But have you read the book, now that is the real question.
I believe I did, a verry verry long time ago.
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